Saturday, May 23, 2009

Pink stops swearing at her pet

Pink claims her dog has calmed down since she stopped calling him F**ker.

The 'So What' singer was forced to change her pet's obscene name to Fred when her dad took charge of the animal.

Pink is quoted as saying: "My dog was called F***er. My dad adopted him and changed his name to Fred. He is a much happier dog now. He still responds to both names but he's happier."

This is not the first time Pink's choice of pet name has caused a problem.

She once shocked a packed restaurant in Beverly Hills by repeatedly calling out "F**ker" after she lost the canine in the upmarket eatery.

An onlooker said: "Suddenly she started screaming, 'F**ker! Here f**ker! Come to Moma, F**ker!'

"People were almost choking on their food. There were kids at the tables but she didn't care.

"It was outrageous - and nobody had the nerve to tell her to shut up."


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